Your Waffle

Belgian & Authentic


Our Journey to The Perfect Recipe
Growing up in a food-producing family, Alexander was constantly surrounded by the wonderful world of food and the creation of beautiful recipes. This sparked his passion, and led him on a journey to search for an amazing waffle recipe.
This product was born from countless iterations in the kitchen and numerous discussions with friends and families. After months of baking and tasting, the wait is finally over, and we are proud to finally present it to you.



Focus on Local, Sustainable Ingredients
In addition to raising awareness on how using sustainable food sources improve our planet, we felt a strong desire to play a truly meaningful and impactful role in our future.
We are proud that all our waffles are made with 100% bio ingredients such as eggs, flour and milk, making our waffles both taste high quality and are sustainably sourced. Through partnering with and support local farms and smaller suppliers, our ingredients, and therefore our products are produced in a sustainable and ethical way.